Friday, December 10, 2004

Info pack on cigarettes ...

This is a reproduction of the information pack that is included on every new ciggies pack ... I've taken the liberty to add my comments (indicated by >>) to some of them;

Your risk of getting a disease from smoking is very high. Do not think that smoking won't affect your health.
>> Bastards ... then why the fuck are you people selling it?

You should never smoke if you are pregnant. Smoking while pregnant can injure your baby adn causes, among other things, low birth weight.
>> Maybe they got the priorities wrong ... perhaps they should prevent the pregnancy in the first place ... note to 60% of the population ... "Your stupid gene WILL pass on to the next generation, breeding like rabbits won't improve the situation - the number game will not work with Stupid and Lazy genes .. BODOH!

Public health officials, including the International Agency for Research on Cancer, have concluded that second hand tobacco smoke causes or increases the risk of diseases in non-smokers. You should take this into account in deciding whether to be in places where secondhand smoke is present, or if you are a smoker, when and where to smoke around others.
>> Are these the same officials who also decide the general level of morality especially when they are butchering out sex, violence, morally negative shite from movies? If we go by the standard of butchering on film - should they fucking put people with guns on every corner and start firing at smokers?? Fuck the hypocrisy.

Don't smoke around children because children are particularly susceptible to second hand smoke.
>> Refer to paragraph preceding the word "BODOH"

Quiting greatly reduces your risk of diseases.
Quiting can be difficult but it can be done. For advice and help on quiting, consult your doctor, health clinic or pharmacist.
>> While I won't suggest that I have no part in the decision to start smoking - but, as I remembered it, the ciggies companies done a lot to encourage it! As such, they should also play a part in my quiting process ... so, who do I send the bill from my psychiatrist to?

I think I'll leave the rest of the info pack for a different blog ... TO BE CONTINUED ...

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