Thursday, November 24, 2005

Yahoo vs Google ...

It seems like Yahoo! is discriminating against Google ... up until recently I never gave too much thoughts to Yahoo! Mail filtering of Google's mail as Spam. I've always found my Blogger's notification mail in my Yahoo! Mail's junk mail folder. I then did some experimentation and send to my yahoo mail address things like blogger's notification, google mail invites, google mail registration notices, etc - surprisingly all these mail originating from Google end up in my Junk folder without fail.

If you want to help me clarify this, try sending a google mail invite to a yahoo address or, set your blogger blog to notify you of new postings to a yahoo mail, or just sign up for google mail - see if you experience the same.

PS: Those who do not have a google mail account and want an invite, just leave me your email address in the comments section and I'll send you one.

Streamyx is dead ...

Streamyx died on me today. One whole day later and it is still not fixed. The major pain is that you know that you are at the mercy of some idiot that can't even pass a driving licence test because they can't read the letters during the eye test. May TM fucking rot in hell ...

PS: I wish I don't have to use the 'F' word all the time, I'd really would like to have Google Adsense for this blog. Well, if they don't allow any swearing ... they can just Kiss-My-Ass. !!

Monday, November 21, 2005

You choose your own poison.

Moving from my current sleeping pills to the much stronger Valium.

Now I just need to find a supply source...