Monday, December 06, 2004

Tonsillitis = Bad = Hospital Stay

This is just not good ... went to the doctor again this morning. We needed to another check up on baby Ryan as we started medication and he is still not improving. Wifey also wanted to check on the white spot found near her tonsils. I, being the one least wanting to see any doctors, was not supposed to get any check up - since wifey made appointment with the ENT (Ear-Nose-Throat) guy, I thought ... What the heck, let's get a look-see.

After checking my wife, the guy stick one of those really cool fibre-optic scope thingy that also displays on a monitor the inside of my mouth. He took one look at it and said it looked pretty bad and recommends (actually, insisted) that I should check myself into the hospital for treatment ...

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