Thursday, November 24, 2005

Yahoo vs Google ...

It seems like Yahoo! is discriminating against Google ... up until recently I never gave too much thoughts to Yahoo! Mail filtering of Google's mail as Spam. I've always found my Blogger's notification mail in my Yahoo! Mail's junk mail folder. I then did some experimentation and send to my yahoo mail address things like blogger's notification, google mail invites, google mail registration notices, etc - surprisingly all these mail originating from Google end up in my Junk folder without fail.

If you want to help me clarify this, try sending a google mail invite to a yahoo address or, set your blogger blog to notify you of new postings to a yahoo mail, or just sign up for google mail - see if you experience the same.

PS: Those who do not have a google mail account and want an invite, just leave me your email address in the comments section and I'll send you one.

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